TBRI Caregiver Certification Training

Grounded in attachment theory and developmental neuroscience, TBRI Caregiver Certification Training is TBRI based and is designed to help caregivers to see the needs and meet the needs of children and youth in their care. TBRI is a trauma-informed, whole-child approach to caring for vulnerable children and youth. The TBRI caregiving model is based on three sets of interacting principles: Connecting, Empowering, and Correcting. Consistent with the three pillars of trauma-informed care, the three sets of principles focus on building trust and felt-safety in the context of healthy relationships (Connecting), developing self-regulation skills (Empowering), and fostering behavioral and social competence (Correcting). Caregiver Certification Training is designed to move from theory into practical applications by giving participants a knowledge base, then providing them with real-life strategies and tools they can use with children and youth.

Target Population:

Caregivers (including birth parents, resource parents, church, school, and other professional staff) of children, youth, and young adults (0-25) who are at risk for/have histories of relational trauma, including maltreatment, abuse, neglect, violence, absence of a consistent caregiver, and involvement in child welfare and/or juvenile justice settings.

Goals of  TBRI Caregiver Certification Training:

Improve capacity to support the mental health of children and youth in their care.

Promote healthy interactions with children and youth in their care.

Help caregivers structure experiences to enhance emotional and behavioral self-regulation.

Learn how to prevent or reduce symptoms of trauma in children and youth in their care.

Learn how to prevent or reduce behavioral challenges in children and youth in their care.

Learn how to create an environment of physical, social, and psychological safety for children and youth in their care.

Build capacity to foster emotional and behavioral self-regulation skills in children and youth in their care.

Promote mindful awareness, including awareness of their caregiving strategies, triggers, and the impact of their own childhood experiences, and enhance awareness of the needs of children and youth in their care.

Build capacity to foster appropriate social and behavioral skills in children and youth in their care.

This is a 24 hour program that is delivered in four segments:

TBRI Introduction and Overview – 6 hours

TBRI Connecting Principles – 6 hours

TBRI Empower Principles – 6 hours

TBRI Correcting Principles – 6 hours